OpenCube End User Agreement

User Disclaimer
This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement. OpenCube makes reasonable efforts to produce useful software as well as accurate and up-to-date documentation regarding the use of such software, OpenCube does not, however, make any warranties or representations as to its usability, accuracy or completeness. Under no circumstances and under no legal theory shall OpenCube, or any other party involved in distributing OpenCube's software be liable to you or any other person for damages resulting from your use of this software and its documentation.

Evaluation Software Usage Terms
This software may be used for evaluation purposes only. Evaluation use includes the review and or customization of the software as documented on one local computer, and the previewing of the software over the internet by any person directly involved in the cusomization and potential purchase of the software. The source code of this software may not be tampered with or altered in any way.  This evaluation software may not be placed on the internet for use or viewing by the general public.